Tuesday, December 30, 2014

3 qualities found in a good man

There are various qualities that a woman should look for in a man. Good men are hard to find and women need to be able to identify them. Following are three qualities that define a good man in my opinion.

He is very straightforward

A man who is straightforward isn't afraid to tell you the truth bluntly. At first, you may find it hard to deal with this quality but in the long run you will come to admire him for this. An honest and straightforward man may seem intimidating and you may feel that he is belittling you but in reality he’s just trying to help you. It’s great to have such a man as your partner because living in a fool’s paradise is the last thing you want to do. You can trust me on this one.

He is willing to take out time for you

It is important that your man takes out time for you. For example, if it’s your birthday or some other special occasion and he hands you money to go shopping, then it implies that he isn’t willing to take out the time to shop for you himself. This is something very unflattering. Look out for a man who is willing to take you out for shopping himself and also buys gifts for you on special occasions.

He has empathy

One of the most powerful emotions in this world is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand a person’s condition from their perspective. A man who can comprehend your sorrow and find happiness in your success is not easy to find. This is something that you should look for in your man. If your man has this quality, then you can be assured that you have made the right choice of being with him.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tips to encourage your children to read

Encouraging your children to read has always been a challenging task. Reading is not only important in education but it has also become essential in the modern business world. Hence, as a parent you need to inculcate the habit of reading in your children. Here are a few tips to help you do it.

Read stories to your children daily

Take out time every day, to read stories to your children. You can specify a particular time of the day for this purpose such as just before bed time. The more you expose your children to books, the more they will be encouraged to read.

Keep reading material in your child’s room

Children who have a lot of reading material at home, are known to perform better in school and develop a habit of reading. Make sure that you have interesting books and magazines in your child’s room apart from toys.

Let your children choose what they read

Don’t decide what your children should read. Every child has a particular interest and would want to read accordingly. If you force your child to read something, then reading would be viewed as a task. However, if the child is allowed to choose what he or she reads then reading will become enjoyable.

Show your interest in your child’s reading

Make sure that you praise your children when they read and appreciate them for their efforts. Positive feedback encourages the child to read more and boosts his or her confidence. The more interest you show in their reading, the more they will try to become a better reader.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Using Manuka Honey as a Cure for Anti Biotic Resistance

Anti-Bacterial resistance is increasing at an alarming rate in developing countries where community acquired infections are common. The misuse of antibiotics in such regions is mostly owed to a host of behavioral as well as socioeconomic factors. All these factors, combined with unskilled practice and poor accountability have lead to the spread of acquired anti-bacterial resistance in the developing world. Health experts across the globe have repeatedly warned against the growing incidence of the same, suggesting that the magnitude of the problem is too large for our current medical expertise.

One research however, provides some hope, suggesting that the use of Manuka honey, nectar originally derived from honeybees that forage through the Manuka tree found in parts of New Zealand, maybe helpful in reversing antibacterial resistance among individuals. The study highlights that Manuka honey is not only helpful in treating chronic infections but can also fight the bacterial resistance.

The study is based on the findings that  Manuka can interact with three types of bacteria namely Group A Streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), interfering with their growth in a positive manner owing to its antimicrobial properties. Molecular level investigation suggests that Manuka honey plays a role in removing the attachment of bacteria to different tissues which is the main reason why it can play a role in treating bacterial resistance. The same also helps in limiting biofilm development, thus protecting certain bacteria from antibiotics. The findings of the study conclude that the use of current anti-biotic will be more effective if used in combination with the Manuka honey. The use of honey for treating infections dates back to thousands of centuries. Modern medicine however has been unable to fully exploit the hidden potential of this magic item.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Why You Should Drink More Water despite Dropping Temperatures

People generally tend to drink more water in the summers owing to high temperatures. As the temperatures drop, the average daily consumption of water also decreases. It is important to note however that water consumption is essential for the human body irrespective of the season as it helps prevent dehydration and ensures regulation of essential bodily functions.

Water not only helps to maintain a youthful look but also keeps the skin glowing and healthy and adds a shine to the hair. In addition, individuals who ensure adequate hydration of their bodies are also able to reduce the look of cellulite. Water also plays a massive role in aiding weight loss and in reducing stress levels faced by the body. Drink up to 8 cups of water in a day and you will be surprised by the enhanced alertness levels during your daily activities. In addition, water also plays an essential role in increasing the recovery time from a disease as it flushes toxins from the body.

While the benefits of water are countless, many people are unaware of their daily water consumption needs. It is important to become familiar with one’s body and learn how much water is necessary based on your climate, diet and physical exertion. In addition, the health status of an individual also plays a vital role in ascertaining the daily water intake amount. As per the Institute of Medicine the average daily recommended intake of water for women is 2.2 liters and that for men is around 3 liters. The same excludes beverages, and factors such as one’s physical activity and other health conditions. In addition, our diet too contributes to our daily water needs and may meet as much as twenty percent of our daily requirement. Foods such as tomatoes, watermelon and milk are composed mostly of water and apart from providing other health benefits, also help hydrate the body.

Remember to keep a water bottle with you each time you step out of the house in order to keep yourself hydrated. This will also prevent you from reaching for sugary and frizzy beverages and save calories.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Understanding the Dangers of Passive Smoke

Passive smoking is the exposure to dilute cigarette smoke which consists of a combination of gas and particle elements that are derived from a lit cigarette while the smoker is not puffing. While considerable research has been dedicated to the detrimental health impacts associated with smoking, there is now even greater and growing focus on the impact of passive smoke on individuals. Passive smoke, in essence contains uncountable cytotoxic substances, poisonous gases, pesticide revenues as well as radioactive elements that are found to be in far greater concentration as compared to mainstream cigarette smoke. Needless to say, the number of deaths due to the diseases caused by passive smoking, such as cancer and cardiac issues, is alarmingly increasing.

Passive smoking is also considered to be excessively harmful for the nervous system, reproductive organs and genetic materials. The acute effects of passive smoking include irritation, impaired lung function, allergies such as late development of asthma and wheezing, increased risks for stroke and neurotoxicity and behavioral effects. Surprisingly, a number of studies have linked maternal smoking (during and after pregnancy) to behavioral changes among women, pointing more towards antisocial behavior. Such individuals also suffer from impulsivity or aggressive behavior. For children, these behavioral changes are more disastrous as they are linked directly to learning difficulties. Lastly, there exists sufficient evidence to support the fact that chronic exposure to passive smoke leads to various malignancies.

The role of health professionals needs to be highlighted in this scenario in an effort to educate individuals regarding a healthy lifestyle. Even though the first step to a healthy life is based on primary prevention which is also the most effective strategy in this case; physicians need to disseminate accurate information based on recent studies regarding the hazards of second hand tobacco smoke. It is one of the basic human rights to be able to live a healthy life. Consequently, the right to not be forced into illness because of factors such as second hand smoke also needs to be considered the same.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Understanding Dreams As An Evolutionary Process

The psychological impacts of dreams on our daily lives are extremely powerful. While pleasant dreams may improve our mood for the rest of the day; nightmares, on the contrary, may spook us out with their pseudo-real aura. According to recent research, our understanding of dreams is based mostly on EEGs (electroencephalograms) that display the electrical activity of the brain. These electrical signatures vary as a person falls asleep and enters the REM cycle. Interestingly, it has been found that dreaming may hardly be considered as an involuntary process. It is an evolutionary process that is not exclusive to humans alone. And yes, animals dream as well.

What we didn’t know about dreaming is that the process helps build new neuron connections in the brain. The same is also linked to improved memory which in turn helps to recharge the brain. Dreams are processed in the same way as memories, depicting similar activity patterns as memory formation while awake. While most people do not dream lucidly, there are quite a few who are aware of the process and can control it by increasing their brain waves up to 40 Hz.

Dreams may even be considered as the emotional diffusers of our bodies and allow individuals to view things in a more positive light, especially after a tiring day. The reason behind this theory is that dreams are responsible for preparing the body to make a fresher start. This is perhaps the same reason why a lack of deep sleep or REM sleep (hence lack of dreams) detrimentally effects the performance of individuals who find themselves to be unable to process complex tasks and emotions during the day. The adverse impact of this fatigue is so profound that it may even lead to anxiety and depression if not treated on time.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Top Three “Sneaky” Health Foods That Maybe Sugar-Jacking Your Diet

Sugar hides in almost every element of our diet. For a number of individuals, healthy eating is nothing more than a myth given the high concentration of sugar found in some of the “healthiest” foods. Apart from the occasional binge, we might think that we consume sugar-free and healthy items in our day-to-day life. The truth is that some of the so-called nutritious food items too contain high sugar content. According to a new study published by the University of California, San Francisco, the health effects of sugar are alarming and there exists a dire need to educate the masses regarding the increasing levels of sugar consumption. The risks associated with high sugar consumption include Type 2 Diabetes, cardiac disease risks and liver diseases.

According to WHO (world Health Organization), the daily recommended dosage of sugar for an adult should be limited to six teaspoons per day which is equivalent to 25 grams. However, on an average, a single adult American consumes more than 19 teaspoons of sugar per day, which is roughly thrice the daily recommended dose. The top sneaky foods which contain high sugar levels and yet are considered healthy by many are listed below:


Flavored and low fat yogurt contains surprisingly high amounts of sugar and according to one study may pack as high as 29 grams per serving. While many individuals think they are making the healthy choice by opting for the low-fat version, they are in fact substituting for a sugar-packed, chemical enriched product that does sufficient damage to the health. One simple way to avoid this is to shop for brands that pack less than 20 grams per serving. The best solution however is to opt for plain yogurt and add your own flavor such as a handful of nuts or half a teaspoon of honey.

Sports Drinks

If you think you are doing your body a favor by hydrating through sports drinks, think again. A single drink can contain as high as five teaspoons of sugar. The case for fruit juices is even worse. Next time, opt for simpler hydrating options. Drink plenty of water and add flavor through lemon or cucumber slices.


Half a cup of granola contains more than 12 grams of sugar. Not only is this unhealthy but when paired with additives such as yogurt or milk, adds a powerful punch of calories. If you really crave your crunch, opt for sweet vegetables such as carrot sticks. Replacing granola with handful of almonds is also a good choice.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How Peaches Can Help Improve Health

Peaches are an ideal summertime fruit, packed with multiple vitamins, minerals and loads of fiber. The fruit is known for its velvety texture and sweet flavor that allows abundant use in a number of recipes as well. On an average, a single peach contains about 37 calories and a plethora of healthy nutrients. Peaches contain at least ten different types of vitamins. Apart from being a good source of vitamin C, they also contain antioxidants which help protect the body against a host of infections. In addition, peaches also contain Vitamin A and beta-carotene, two essential ingredients for maintaining healthy mucus membrane, fighting various eye diseases and for keeping the skin healthy and vibrant.

Other essential nutrients include Vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting, Vitamin E, which is considered as an important antioxidant and B complex vitamins.

The presence of minerals such as iron, fluoride and potassium also adds to the nutritional value of this fruit. Potassium is considered as an essential mineral that helps regulate blood pressure among individuals while iron helps keep the blood healthy and is responsible for the oxygenation of body cells. For individuals who wish to lose weight, peaches make a nutrition-packed low calorie treat, that contains high concentration of fiber. The high fiber content aids in digestion, lowers cholesterol levels through blood sugar level regulation and is essential for colon health.

According to recent study published in the “Journal of Medicinal Food”, peaches are a major source of antioxidants, owing to the high levels of chlorogenic acid found in the same. This ingredient is found in the flesh and skin of the fruit and helps fight free radicals to slow the aging process and to reduce risks associated with chronic diseases. A major benefit of peaches is that they can help reduce inflammation in the body and can help fight cancer to a certain extent.

Given the numerous health benefits of peaches, one may include the same in their diet in order to enhance their health and eating habits.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Addictive Drawbacks of Sugar

Sugar is addictive. For many, this may hardly be considered as important news but what if we told you that sugar is more addicting than drugs including cocaine? The capability and functionality of the brain and the human body are greatly reduced when on high doses of sugar. Not only does it give us a rush but it also leaves us wanting more.

According to a 2012 study, the detrimental impacts associated with sugar are not merely limited to obesity. Too much sugar consumption results in addiction which tends to wreck havoc on our liver and detrimentally damages the functionality of the brain. In addition, the impact of the same is eventually felt via various diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases and cancer. What is surprising and unfortunate however; is that until now no federal action has been taken in order to impose regulations on the amount of sugar that may be permissible for consumption for the masses. Currently, more than eighty percent of the food we consume contains sugar. This, combined with the fast food culture that we have become so accustomed to, is creating further stress for the healthcare industry.

Some of the most common sugar-induced effects include stress eating, weight gain and aging skin. Even for young women and men, these effects are so prominent that they tend to binge at least once or twice during the day. Similarly, obesity too arises as a major epidemic worldwide. While most individuals assume artificial sweeteners will provide the cure for the same, the reality is, the impact on the insulin levels of both sugar types is the same. The best way to deal with these drawbacks is to consume a balanced and healthy diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables. Follow a regular exercise regime and avoid artificial sweeteners.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Is Air Pollution The Missing Link In Alarming ADHD Incidence Increase Among Children?

Air pollution is a widely discussed issue across the globe, particularly in developed countries where given the access of advanced sampling techniques, a more critical analysis and understanding of air quality and environmental pollution is possible. We already know that air pollution is a majorly growing problem for us and for future generations, as it is slowly but surely increasing the levels of environmental contaminants and impacting the quality of life on earth. Now according to latest research, it may be more harmful than from what we originally perceived. Researchers from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health have found that air pollution might be associated to rising incidence of ADHD among children.

The study suggests that for expecting mothers, exposure to air pollution before birth maybe the key to the problem. This was established after close examination of the prenatal levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). This is the same compound that is also found in children suffering from ADHD during the later stages of their life.

The study warns that mothers that were exposed to high PAH level during their pregnancies had five times greater risks of having kids suffering from inattentive ADHD at age 9. Te research is the first of its kind to look into the impact of prenatal PAH levels and its impact on children and their behavior development overtime. Although the study is at its initial stages and has been able to establish strong links between the two, it does not imply that exposure to pollution will cause ADHD among children for sure.

The study may however serve as the missing link in our quest to understand the reason for the unexplained increased in ADHD among children. Among the many sources of PAH, car exhaust and power plants account as the chief ones that are also linked to a host of respiratory diseases and heart conditions.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

How To Write a Professional Resume

Writing a professional resume is considered as the hardest part of one’s life, especially for one who wants to step into the professional world. The reason is that professional resume is an important tool that highlights what you are and tells your capabilities to the employer. It plays a very significant role in giving first impression about you to the hiring personnel.

Usually, recruiters spend less than two minutes on reading a resume. Therefore, it is highly recommended that professional resumes should be developed in a way that is very clear and easily understandable by the recruiter. It should be created in a way that all your strengths can be quickly noticed by the recruiter and he finds a good reason to contact you for an interview. Here are some useful tips to create a professional resume:

• Review your college transcripts and mention the exact information in your resume as written over your transcripts. Always be careful about the marks as well as the appearance of your name that should be matched with your transcripts and resume.

• Use professional email address in the header and avoid using a personal one.

• Write brief objective that should be as precise as possible.

• Review your education, experience and skills sections and try to highlight those things that are required
for a particular job.

Last but not the least always proofread your resume for typos or any grammatical mistakes. It is also suggested to individuals to ask a professional who can review your resume. In case, if any addition or correction is needed then that can be done before the submission. Remember that a resume with typos and grammatical errors sounds quite unprofessional and the recruiter will never consider such a candidate irrespective of the mistakes in the formatting of the resume.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Understanding Why Cybercrime Is the New Face of War

Cybercrime is the new face of war. Considering the number of cyber attacks and crimes being conducted at a global scale across regions and countries, there is little doubt the fact that hackers have waged a war so massive, it will be difficult to control for generations to come. And here’s what we believe - it will only get worse. From anti-Western hacker groups to Russian hackers spying on Ukraine to the onslaught of privacy breeches and data thefts and attacks on businesses; the new digital world is full of crime and we do not have any trails.

We know for a fact that the alliance between different interest groups worldwide poses greater threats for internet security than ever. This, coupled with the increasing obsessions of governments of some of the leading nations of the world on cyber offense has resulted in a rather retaliated effect- i.e. the creation of very sophisticated malware with the potential capacity to infect almost every system. We are not just talking about personal computers and mainframe databases at company headquarters. We are now speaking of disabled nuclear centrifuges to compromised privacies through iPhones being turned into all-room listening devices. The hackers we are dealing with today are no less knowledgeable than our best defense. They know our vulnerabilities and they know how to exploit them. A more disturbing aspect is that as more and more glitches emerge, one wonders whether the alliances are powerful enough to produce masterminds capable enough to tap into vulnerabilities even unknown by the makers of the software.

This implies that the offenses are more than often decentralized while our defense is mostly centralized and that too powered by a single body – i.e. the government. This free flow of information has created bigger problems. And they are here to stay. Unless we are able to come up with better strategies and stronger alliances in order to counter these offences, the world of cyber crime is going to expand and challenge every possible defense we have created this far.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

4 Surprising Things That Maybe Influencing Your Dreams

Dreams have intrigued scientists and researchers for a long time. Much research has been dedicated into the science of dream creation and what factors influence our dreams. According to scientists there are certain things that influence our dreams to a certain extent:

Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your front or belly is more likely to give your erotic dreams. Sleeping positions matter, according to a study which states that people who sleep on their front get shortness of breath resulting in erotic dreams. A rather strange fact about this sleeping position is that such people not only report of having racier dreams but also claim more than often that they see themselves being involved with some famous personalities.

Genetics and Nightmares

Genetics have a strong association to nightmares and how they are shared among individuals. For instance, in case of identical twins, genetics not only influences their interests and habits but also effects their nightmares and occurrence frequencies of the same. Identical twins have shown to share similar nightmares as suggested by studies.

Magnetic field of Earth

The magnetic field of earth can also have a significant impact on our dreams. According to psychologist Darren Lipnicki who has been involved in research on the same subject and has been recording his dreams for over eight years; dreams are strongly influenced by magnetic field and lower geomagnetic activity also contributes to weird dreams.

Cheese Types

As strange as it may sound but cheese and its different types may also have an impact on dreams. Cheese contains amino acid called tryptophan, which is essentially responsible for reducing the stress levels in the body and for normalizing sleep cycles in individuals. According to a 2005 study, individuals who consumed greater amounts of cheddar cheese were more likely to dream about celebrities while those who had greater consumption of blue cheese experienced weird and bizarre dreams.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Body Symptoms if one gets exposed to Methane Gas

Majority of the proportion in natural gas comprises of methane along with the combination of propane, ethane and various other gasses. This gas is odorless and can be produced in ordinary situations that we can easily found in our surroundings. For example, it can be found in our kitchen having rotten food, plastic bag containing stock of soil and near sewage drainage holes. When one gets exposed to methane, its symptoms are not visible immediately and its effects on humans may take some time to become noticeable.


Some apparent symptoms on health, if one gets exposed to methane in excessive amount are discussed below:

• The most common noticeable effects of methane after its exposure are the triggering of headaches. One of the bitter incidents that took place in the year 1937 in which, a blast of methane gas resulted into deaths of around 300 people in a school campus, in Texas.  

• Methane exposure in huge amount can be resulted in the depletion of oxygen level from human body and a person starts feeling suffocated and difficulty in breathing. If the oxygen level reduces to the amount of less than 12% then there are chances that the person may become unconscious. There are also some cases in which prolonging of these symptoms have proven to be lethal.

• The affected person also starts feeling lethargic and may experience mental uneasiness.

• Flu-like symptoms are also very common if a person breathes in methane.

• Another poisoning symptom of methane is vomiting and nausea. That increases the chances for a person who gets collapsed after inhaling methane.

If you think that you came across any of the above discussed symptoms then you need to consult your doctor immediately and get treatment.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to Be Successfully Fight Competition Online

The most obvious evidence of a business’s success in today’s world is measured by its online presence. You can almost be certain that if a business has proven its merit in establishing a resounding presence on the internet and has managed to retain that position inspite of the competition, then it is indeed a marketing winner. Such has been the impact of the World Wide Web on the changing market dynamics and marketing strategies. This is turn has convinced companies to change their attitudes and approaches towards their target markets.

Make use of web based tools. This is the simplest way to create a chain reaction that can help define the success of a business. This is also true for small businesses that do not have strong technological backbone and do not boast a highly trained staff to help gather accurate data regarding the task environment. Web based tools on the other hand can help businesses meet this gap by allowing them to gather valuable data regarding the needs and demands of the market niches and more importantly the behavioral impacts of the strategies followed and moves made main competitors.

The online world is highly competitive and the best way to survive online and sustain your market share is to respond proactively to any potential threats or shifts in market demands. An online business is based not merely on building a homepage but on taking small inviting steps in order to allow customers to perceive the website as their virtual home and to encourage repetitive sales.

Regularly update your website and provide a home page which serves as a mode through consumer dialogue maybe facilitated. Continuous brand improvement is the key to success and only the most successful of businesses are able to achieve communication competency with their customers. Not only will it help them track changes in demand but will also help them save billions of dollars in the form of market research methodologies.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Should You Really Submit a Resume Written by a Professional Resume Writing Service?

More than eighty percent of the jobs will require a resume and given this massive demand, one of the most common confusion is whether one should make a pro write their resume or not? Before we answer this question, it is important to understand that a number of hiring managers are capable of telling apart resumes that have been professionally written.  For some managers and professionals, such resumes are able to elicit a far better response. This is particularly true for executive candidates. 

A general observation is that executives do not generally perform a good task of presenting their skills and accomplishments on paper. This is where professional resume writing services come in that help create enticing documents. For senior level professionals however, we advise crafting your own resumes. If you have sufficient experience, do not restrict the document to one page only. Make sure that you are informing your potential employer about the project lifecycles, even if that means going a bit wordy. 

Some recruiters however dislike professionally written resumes owing to the fact that critical details have often been left out. This is one problem that can easily be resolved by adding your own input and ideas once you’ve sought help from the professionals. The end result should be quality, in depicting your ideas and skills in an efficient manner. This will take more than one attempt and may require multiple revisions. 

Lastly, if you are seeking professional help, make sure you hire a professional. It is important to research about the credentials and do some background check before you entrust them with the most important document of your life.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Brain Healing properties of Turmeric

A recent research has found that a particular compound found in turmeric can help the brain heal post-damage or disease. It is a very special ingredient that has long been used in Indian dishes, particularly the curry. Besides adding flavor to the curry, it is a very good antioxidant, which can fend off cancer cells in addition to reducing inflammation. Lately, brain healing has also been added to its long list of health benefits.

According to this study, turmeric encourages the growth of nerve cells. This gives the brain more tools and nutrition to repair itself in case of damage and disease. Hence, further working on this study may help researchers in treating strokes and Alzheimer’s.

This study has been conducted in the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine in Germany. The scientists performed brain scans on rats before and after they were injected with turmeric. They came to know that certain parts of brain, which are responsible for nerve cell growth, were more active once the body was introduced to turmeric.

In another study, the scientists had glazed stem cells with turmerone (a compound naturally found in turmeric). While stem cells have the property to become any other type of brain cell and adopt their functionality; dipping them in turmeric made them function even faster. The cells were more prolific this way while their conversion into certain types of cells was much rapid.

The studies were conducted on rats though, and it is still not clear if they are true for humans too. However, further study should be conducted on the matter to be sure.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lack of maternal Iron intake can lead to Autism in the Offspring

According to a latest research from Sacramento California, mothers of autistic children were less likely to have had consumed any iron supplements during or before their pregnancy as compared to the mothers of normal children. A researcher and professor in the Public Health Sciences Department, Rebecca J. Schmidt said that anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency disorder. Especially during pregnancy, it is said to impact around 50% of women and their children.

Iron is very important for the early development of brain, including immunity, myelination and for the neurotransmitter production. The lack of development of these three has been associated to the development of autism. Schmidt along with a few other researchers was the first to have linked folic acid supplements to reduce the risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

For the latest study, researchers analyzed data from pairs of mothers and children in order to see any links between iron intake and autism. Data on the mother’s iron, vitamins and other nutritional supplement intake was recorded while the mothers were pregnant and were breastfeeding. At the time of the study, the researchers were not given access to the number of participants or their particulars. However, they did reach the conclusion that low maternal iron intake was strongly linked to a five times higher risk of autism if the mother was older than 35 years, or if she had diabetes or hypertension.

In addition, it was also found that low iron intake and increased risk of autism in the children was during breastfeeding. Moreover, the risk was even higher if the mother was old and had metabolic issues during her pregnancy. Hence, while in their pregnancy, mothers are highly advised to consult their doctors and dieticians in case they lack any nutrition.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Wonders of Mediterranean Diet

Many people might have already heard about the Mediterranean diet. It is spoken of everywhere, starting with morning shows, to gymnasiums and magazine articles. It is apparently a very healthy and fast source of energy. In addition, it keeps the immune system strong.

The Mediterranean dishes include fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, beans, legumes, spices, wine, fish, chickpeas, hummus, celery, kidney beans, dry fruits, olive oil, seafood, etc. The meal plan would definitely reduce heart risk as it contains legumes, beans and nuts. It will also treat inflammatory conditions and many other diseases because of the nutrition that it serves.

This particular diet has shown to specifically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other cardiac problems. In addition, it reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and metabolic syndrome. It also reduces the risk of depression and stroke and improves physical functioning along with slowing down the rate of cognitive decline.

The diet is rich in anti-inflammatory fats, vitamins and anti-oxidants. However, the scientists now believe that this health rich diet has an extra ingredient that makes it so healthy. It is believed that when unsaturated fat from the olive oil combines with the naturally occurring nitrates from many vegetables (such as, tomatoes, eggplant, garlic and other leafy greens), a unique molecule called the nitro-fatty-acid molecule is formed.

This molecule slows down the enzymes that digest the omega-6 fats (the beneficial fats) so that they stay in the bloodstream for longer. The theory is that, the longer these fats stick in the blood, the more healthy benefits they will elicit in the body.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Healthy Food Myths That Are Making You Fat

With people growing cautious about what they should or should not eat; dieticians and nutritionists are gaining much popularity. In addition, this has lead to much information flowing in the market about what is or is not healthy. Over the years, a large population has been lead to believe in many fabricated facts such as fats are unhealthy and such. Given following are some of these myths that need to be clarified before you can go on to adopt a healthy routine.

1. Fat is unhealthy (Cliché’)

Over the years, the culture of processed food intake has been increasing. This has lead people to consume more fat than they require, meanwhile avoiding many other nutrients. Hence, lower fat consumption was advised whenever you went to a dietician. This has somehow concluded to making fat unhealthy. Although fat is very important for athletes or other people who require much physical exertion in their daily life. However, the fat should come from a natural source (i.e. milk, meat fat, dry-fruit etc.) and not from a processed source (i.e. fast food, vegetable oil, etc.).

2. Eggs are full of Cholesterol

Cholesterol is another much feared terminology these days. While cholesterol is only a term defining the amount of energy consumption, people have started to believe that cholesterol makes you fat (it actually indirectly does make you fat). Eggs have too much cholesterol only means that they are really good energy sources. However, if the amount of energy consumed is not used, it will all turn into fat and store somewhere in your body. That is where cholesterol is bad for you.

3. Vegetable Oils are healthier than Butter

To put it simple, vegetable oil is a processed product whose cholesterol is eventually going to be bad for your health. However, butter made from grass-fed cows consists of pure fat, while the fat present in vegetable oils is made up of Omega-6 fatty-acids.

4. Products that say “healthy” on the packet are good

Starting with sugar filled cereals that are rich in whole grains, to subs that are made with fresh vegetables and meat are all a hoax. The cereals are full of difficult-to-digest sugar, while the subs are made up of bread that is completely a result of oven processing. To put it short and make it clear one more time, all processed food will eventually kill you, while the only food that is healthy is that which comes from natural sources and is not processed.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Islamic State Militants capture and kill 120 Syrian Soldiers

A graphic and harsh video has recently been released that apparently shows the mass captivation of 120 Syrian Soldiers. The video shows the Islamic State Group marching those soldiers (wearing only their underwear) through a desert. The video is allegedly filmed near Tabqa, i.e. in Northeastern Syria, where the Islamic State Militants had taken over a military base last week.

The video showed the masked armed men overseeing the march while they kept making sheep-herding noises. Meanwhile the men also kept hitting the soldiers with rifle butts and kicking them to keep them moving. One of the militants also had a black-and-white Islamic State flag, who marched in the front of the line. 

In a later video shoot which was also uploaded on the social media showed the bodies of over 100 men lying on the ground with their faces down. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights located in the United Kingdom said that the bodies of the dead soldiers were later claimed from an arid countryside near the Tabqa airfield. The retrieval was done three days after the military base was seized. The Observatory confirmed that 120 men were killed near the base. 

The video footages were verified by the Associated press journalists of the region who were familiar with the shown locations. A statement that floated the twitter profiles of the Islamic State group supporters claimed that they had killed about 200 men captured near Tabqa. So far this State group has been responsible for over 190,000 kills. A UN commission, soon after, accused the Islamic State group of committing crimes against humanity.

Monday, September 1, 2014

How to Nail your Next Job Interview

Walking into an interview room calmly and confidently is a good feeling. However, most people would walk into the room shivering and confused, not sure of how to speak or what to say.

This feeling can be avoided by following a simple pattern of exercises. Following are three tips that can be executed beforehand in order to make things easier for you. Practice and hard work are nonetheless, the way to go.

1. Make Two-Three Situation Specific Stories

In an interview, you sell yourself to potential employers. Prepare your best statistics and stories and be ready with them. Don’t throw them on to your interviewer, but play them wisely. A few things that you would want to be prepared with include your greatest strength, greatest weakness and a closing story. You would already know about the first two, however, the third one is a closer that would lay a long lasting impression of you on your employer. The closer should summarize your strongest skills and attributes so that they don’t want to not hire you.

2. Do a Trial a Night before

It is a proven fact that practice will make you perfect. Having a friend take a mock interview will get you ready and running. It will make sure that you do not stutter during the real thing.

3. Research on the Company

Get a scoop on what the company does and its operating patterns to your best. Don’t try too hard, but align your strengths and weaknesses with them. Moreover, look up the company’s vision and mission, their dress codes, their products/services and any big clientele or suppliers.

In addition, also get a general market opinion on the company if possible. All the research that you do is only going to help you with your interview.

Friday, August 29, 2014

How to Network like a Pro besides a Busy Schedule

Many of us have really busy schedules and have a million things to do with no time at all. We at times need to cancel the most important of tasks in order to accommodate other things. In this little time of twenty-four hours, we sometimes even do not get the time to meet with the important people. Hence, following are a few tips that will help you network like a pro within time of 24 hours:

1. Interact with the People that do not Waste your Time

Value those people who respect you and your time. Interact with the co-workers who understand the demand of your busy schedule and who would come to work and leave at the same time as you do. As for the people who do not; weed them out, as they are going to slow you down.

2. Schedule Meetings

Schedule every meeting perfectly. As in when people need to meet up and when the meeting would start etc. In case you do not define the timings properly and just throw the timings up in the air, chances are everyone will show up late. In case the meeting is at 3pm, people need to hear that it is at 3pm. Making a phone call or sending an official email will make this time even more concrete.

3. Host a Video Conference

It is comparatively more convenient to get people in front of a camera instead of getting them in all in a room at the same time. Hence, utilizing web tools like Skype and Google Hangout etc, to get them involved in the meeting.

4. Feedbacks and Ideas

In order to be efficient, you need to provide valuable feedback and not something that floated over your head a few seconds ago. Spend some time to think about the minutes of the meeting and what you have to say about it. If you take time to think over what others had to present, they will favor you with the same attention.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Four Traits of Punctual People

The current young adult generation (15-30 years of age) suffers from an epidemic of compulsive tardiness. It is very safe to assume that everyone is going to show up late and every task is going to be completed later than it was promised. However, a very few people do exist in this society that are punctual. Following are some traits that these people share:

1. Keep a Buffer Time

These people would always keep buffer time for themselves. If they need to go someplace 15 minutes away, they might even leave 20-25 minutes before they need to reach there. The duration of the buffer time is directly proportional to the severity of the task. The buffer time gives these people the opportunity to be on time even if something else comes up in the last minute. Even if they get to the destination before time, they would not mind waiting a couple extra minutes.

2. Organize

Punctuality is not only about reaching places in time. It’s more of a lifestyle. These people are very good at a set of skills that actually makes them punctual. For example, punctual people are excellent at organizing. In addition, they don’t only have their minutes calculated, but they even have most short term and long term events timed down on their calendars.

3. Realistic about Timing Events and Activities

These people can actually calculate how much time it will take them to finish a task or an activity. This is one of the traits that is directly linked to these people for making them punctual.

4. They do not Procrastinate

These people would not procrastinate in general. People, who try to time their work and finish it before time, would not procrastinate and are least likely to scramble their work at the 11th hour. These people are easily stressed when they are running behind.

Friday, August 22, 2014

5 innovative Health Benefits of Epsom Salt

The global consumption of the Epsom salt is about 2.3 million tons per year. Most of it is used in agriculture. However, Epsom salt can also be used for a number of domestic uses. A few of these are discussed as follows:

1. Epsom Salt Foot Scrub

The Epsom salt is an excellent exfoliative. It would effectively remove any hard or dead skin. Soaking the feet in warm water before applying a handful of salts will do the trick. In addition, soaking for an additional 20 minutes will eliminate any foot odor and relieve off any aches and pains.

2. Sprains, Bruises and Aches

Epsom salts are very good at removing any toxins from the body. Adding two cups of Epsom salts to a warm bath would relieve you of any swelling, aches and bruises.

3. Sunburn

Applying a solution of one tablespoon Epsom salts in half a teacup of warm water, to the sun-burnt areas would sooth the skin immediately.

4. Greasy and Lank Hair

Epsom salts can also be applied to greasy hair to absorb all the grease out of it. Adding nine tablespoons of Epsom salt to half a cup of your shampoo and then using the solution would do the trick.
In addition, making a solution of equal parts of salt and conditioner, warming it and then applying to dry hair will also deal with the dryness. Only keeping it on for 20 minutes before rinsing can make them much bouncy and voluminous.

5. Weight Loss

Epsom draws out toxins and treat constipation and bloating. This will keep the bowels healthy, therefore speeding up the weight loss process.

Note: Use only the amount of salt suggested. Excessive use of the salt can cause side-effects.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Beet Juice Nutrition

Beetroots have always been known to be nutritional powerhouses. A recent study however, looked at the effectiveness of the beetroot juice in terms of athlete endurance. The study suggested that the athletes that had beetroot juice regularly had a stronger and longer run than the rest.

The beetroot juice is a really good source of nitrates, which the body converts into nitric oxide for better blood flow and lowered blood pressure. It is hence, a natural remedy to high blood pressure as well. Besides its amazing qualities, researchers have placed a specific emphasis on drinking beet juice instead of eating beetroots. This is because cooking beetroots hampers much of its nitrates.

Furthermore, it says that the optimum results from beet juice are obtained 2-3 hours after drinking it. The minimum amount of oxygen required for exercise decreased after consuming beet juice. Hence, it took much less energy in physical endurance thanks to this drink.

Beet juice is available at almost any fresh-fruit juice bar. Moreover, you can drink it straight like a shot, or even mix it with other fruit juices as per your taste buds. Athletes on average recorded that their performance had increased by 1-2% and they even felt stronger upon using beet juice.

Some people have even reported to feel reactions after directly drinking beet juice. Hence, it is advised that you try a small amount, like half a cup before you opt to drink a glass full. In addition, beet juice has a strong color, which can easily stain your skin, let alone your clothes. Therefore, be extra careful when you are preparing or consuming beetroot juice.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Weight Loss does not directly induce Happiness

Gymnasiums and other fitness programs mainly target happiness and a better future through weight loss in their promotions and advertisements. It has been so, since the beginning of times. However, a recent study suggests that weight loss does not necessarily directly relate to happiness.

Even though our society largely values looks, weight and body aesthetics; since the criticism is on only upon excessive fat, many people had started to relate fat loss to happiness. A study released in University College London said that people who had lost at least 5 % of their body fat were 53 % more likely to be depressed than the people that maintained the same weight whilst working out.

Another misunderstanding that most people maintain about exercise is that it would force weight loss nonetheless. However, this is not true and weight loss is only possible if people start dieting accordingly. The purpose of regular exercise and workout is to maintain a healthy body. Hence, if you want to become healthy maintaining your current body weight, eat as much as you like. It will start replacing your fat with protein by building muscle on you.

There are different cases regarding weight loss, but much of them consider the outcome to be unfavorable. For example a blogger who wrote about his weight loss on the internet commented that he had become weak after the weight loss. He would have rather not started dieting in the first place. He said that he had understood the benefits of workout properly after he had started regular diet again.

In another case, a girl who wanted to become as good looking as a model said that she had started weight loss routines. However, her saggy and loose skin looked nothing like the models.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Domestic Uses of Coconut Oil

1. Hair Treatment

Coconut oil is really helpful in reducing protein loss. It can be used as both a pre and a post treatment. The best way to apply is to add ½ of a tablespoon of the oil to the roots before you let it work down the ends. Keep it on for an hour or so before you rinse and wash.

2. Skin Moisturizer

Coconut oil is an effective skin moisturizer. It helps reduce scaring, prevent sagging skin and heal stretch marks. It is a natural miracle worker on the skin.

3. Eye Makeup Remover

Eye makeup is usually very difficult to wash. So after you have washed your face and removed rest of the makeup, use coconut oil to remove the remainder off the eyelids.

4. Shaving Legs

Women often use coconut oil before they shave their legs. This helps maintain a smooth and baby-soft skin post-shaving.

5. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional and old-schooled method to cleanse the mouth from any bacteria. Ideal way to use coconut oil for oil pulling is to start your day with it. Swish a teaspoon of coconut oil in the mouth for preferably ten minutes or more.

6. Frizz Remover

Coconut oil is also an effective solution for removing any hair frizz. Just apply a little to the hair and then massage the head for a while. Avoid putting on too much though as it will give your hair an oily look.

7. For Cuticles

Massaging your fingernails and toenails with coconut oil will help in keeping the rugged cuticles clean. Its anti-fungal properties will also help avoid any fungal infections on the toenails.
Coconut water will also work similarly for the nails. However, coconut oil can be used for many other purposes too.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Chinese Government ends Apple Imports

Security concerns in China have compelled the government to remove all Apple iPads and Macbook laptops from the government’s procurement lists. The news was released by few government officials on the condition of anonymity.

In the procurement list released this July 2014, ten of Apple’s products were not marked. These included iPad, iPad mini, Macbook Air and Macbook Pro. The information is still not made public. The officials said that other American products including Dell Inc, Hewlett Packard Co and the Lenovo group are still on the list.

According to the Ministry of Finance China’s website, Apple did not make it as either of the two winning bidders to provide desktop and laptop computers to the Chinese government. The contracts instead went to the Chinese company Tsinghua Tongfang Co and Lenovo.

The news has still not been officially released and therefore it is still unknown whether iPhones have been removed from the procurement list too. In addition, this act has also raised security concerns among other countries concerning import of foreign IT products.

According to a TV program on a Chinese national channel, iPhones if used by government officials could threaten security of the country. Fang Xingdong, the founder of Chinalabs.com (a high tech think tank) called for a ban on the usage of iPhones by civil servants.

As a result, in May 2014, Chinese government started to vet major IT products and services that were being used by the government and other public entities. They then banned the use of Windows 8 on any platform in a pursuit for national security. Subsequently it has now also banned Symantec and Kaspersky (Software developers) and eventually these Apple products discussed above.

This ban of IT products will highly impact the value of Apple in the stock market and on a bigger picture, the ban will also impact the American GDP.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Basics of Tattoo Creation

About a decade or two ago, tattoos were mostly associated with bikers, sailors and other artists etc. However, in the recent years, they have evolved to become more popular with each design and style of the tattoo defining its recipient. Some people who despised tattoos are also getting permanent make-up to emphasize their lips or eyes these days.

Tattoos are created as a result of injecting ink into the recipient’s skin. In order to do so, an electrically powered tattooing machine is used which sounds much like the dental drill. The machine penetrates the skin 50 to 3000 times in a minute. The needle goes in as deep as a millimeter into the skin to deposit a drop of ink each time.

The tattoo machine was originally invented by Samuel O’Riley in the late 1800s, which is unchanged till date. The design of the tattoo machine was based on the mechanism of the autographic printer invented by Thomas Edison. The printer was originally invented to engrave writing into hard surfaces, while O’ Riley modified the same machine by changing it to the tube system and modifying its rotary-driven electromagnetic oscillating unit.

Most modern tattoo parlors have the following basic components in their machines:

• Sterilized needle
• A tube system to draw ink through the machine and into the skin
• Electric motor
• A pedal controlled at the foot to regulate the needle’s vertical movement.

A person’s visible tattoo is the ink that we can see through that person’s epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). The ink is actually situated in the dermis, (the second layer of the skin), whose cells are very stable. This also assists the ink to stay in place without any major dispersion throughout the recipient’s life.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Microsoft Delve

Satya Nadella’s latest vision to convert Microsoft into a “Productivity and platform company” revolves around his new idea of Delve. He has been working on this novel search tool for years now. This means that Microsoft will focus more on the software and OS development rather than hardware.

He wants to build a system where your phone, tablet, PC or TV knows you and your preferences. They will cater to the consumer’s needs before a command is even issued. Nadella announced a few Microsoft technologies that will assist Nadella to bring this vision to reality.

As a result of this reality, people will communicate and collaborate more effectively. Ideas will be expressed in new ways and they will enjoy ambient intelligence with Cortana and Delve. “Cortana” is the Microsoft’s version of Siri, which is available in the latest Windows phones.

Delve, which was previously code-named Oslo, is Microsoft’s own search engine. Microsoft has been working on it for years now. It is a different type of search engine that will search results through your Office 365, social networks, emails and corporate documents. It uses Machine learning and artificial intelligence to track down documents, people and messages. According to Microsoft, it will basically highlight the information you are interested in, based on what people around you have been doing and what you have been working on. If this search engine becomes a hit with organizing people’s work lives, it would validate and ensure Nadella’s vision.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Strategies to Supercharge Social Media Activity

The first step at successful execution of a social media campaign is to follow all the steps on the STOP acronym, i.e. segmentation, targeting, objective setting and finally positioning. All these fundamental marketing strategies should be incorporated even when working for successful social media marketing.

When segmenting and targeting, the online audience will be considered. There are multiple methods to segment the audience, for example, the audience can be divided into activators and non-activators. Moreover, there are other methods, which can be used to segment the market and each method is beneficial for different types of companies and industries. Targeting should also be done keeping in view the requirements of the company.

Next, the objectives are a signpost to the future goals of the company and hence, must be considered on all stages of the planning process. While lastly, positioning is very important for the brand as consumers on a later date will  perceive better the brand that  it was positioned earlier. 

Once the STOP acronym is dealt with, the digital marketing campaign must also have an offline element. The offline element is an additional aspect to keep the consumers engaged to the physical aspect of the product or service. Keeping them only digitally engaged  may or may not (depending on the type of the campaign) keep the digital aspect connected with the actual product.

In addition, it has long been noticed that empowering the employees of a company is highly beneficial in increasing the dialogue and interaction between that company and its consumers. Once the employees own the brand name and the company profile, they would communicate with the consumers as if they themselves are the brand.

Hence, in addition to the strategies mentioned above, companies can take benefit from their human resource and work to empower employees as social media advocates. Using the employees to promote the product online is a very good strategy due to a number of factors including:

• They’re already using the internet and social media.
• They know about the ins and outs of the brand and can conveniently speak about it.
• The consumers of the product can also empathize with the employees.
• Employees have an access to more people than the corporate accounts.

All these strategies will add up to leading a successful social media campaign.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

5 Traits of People with Effective Communication Skills

If you are dialing 911, ordering a pizza, or maybe just talking to a friend; effective communication will be your friend and guide throughout your life. The human life revolves around socializing and hence, communication is essential. While some people have a few inherent socializing skills, some people actually need to work to attain perfection and then practice. Following are a few communication skills that can be practiced to become a socializing expert:

1. Listening

Good listening is an essential if you want to become good at speaking. Being able to absorb and adjust with others’ speeches, expressions and the appropriate reactions is a skill that will eventually build up to excellent speaking. This is because the people who do not listen properly and are always in a rush to speak, often do not understand what is being said or expressed. They don’t learn much that way.

2. Relate to others

People with good communication skills gather an understanding of their audience before they would customize the message specifically for them. This is because unless you can attract the audience with something that interests them, your words will be useless to them.

3. Simplify the message

A good speaker would always simplify the message for the audience. Consider a mathematics teacher giving an algebra lesson for the first time. If the teacher cannot explain the concepts in a simplified manner, the message will never reach the students.

4. Use right words at the right time

Speaking what is required at this moment and saving the good words for the perfect time is essential for good communication. If you have a really good idea and you pitch it to the boss when he’s mellow, it will yield in no result. Hence, you should know when to speak up versus the times when it is best to remain quite.

5. Practice confidence

Effective communication also encourages confident speaking. Vague and unclear language, confusion between words and not knowing what to say, are not the traits of these people. The audience trusts such a speaker because of the confidence depicted.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Major Money-Saving Mistakes

Saving money is very important to staying happy. You will always stay more content and satisfied if you have money that you can use to save you from trouble. Savingmoney is really difficult even for the people that are not known as spenders. At times, even the banks that we keep our money with, prevent us from saving. Following are four major money-saving mistakes that people usually make:

1.      Saving the leftover amount

People would usually think that they’d take out all the expenses and then save whatever is left from the salary. However, this is a very bad approach as it lures you into a false feeling of security that makes you think you have more to spend, while you actually do not. The best way to save instead is to think through your expenses and then designate a particular amount to savings. When you get your salary, the first thing you can do, is pick out the savings amount first. What is left in the pool is eventually there to spend.

2.      Interlinked checking and savings accounts

It might seem really convenient, but it is a bad idea to have your savings and checking accounts linked. When you have gone over the limit with your current account, the bank would automatically divert the transactions from your savings account. Hence, if you want to save money and keep a track of it, you better keep them unlinked. In fact, it is even better if you don’t have an ATM for your savings account. Make it a little difficult to access your savings, so that you’d only withdraw in case of emergencies.

3.      Keeping all savings in one place

It feels really good to watch your savings grow when you’ve put them in one place. However, as finance gurus say, diversification is very important to minimizing risk. If you put everything in one place, it is not only a bit risky, but it is also deceiving. You end up thinking that you actually have much money for purchases. Hence, it is best if you have your savings divided into multiple accounts or even invested in gold and stocks if you have a bigger pool for investment.

4.      Saving only the large windfalls

If you get money in big chunks which you can save directly, then it must be no problem for you to borrow it back. However, it is also important to save on a daily basis. Pick out money from your salary and save it before you start to spend. Managing your savings and spending will also contribute to a better macroeconomic situation.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Organic Baking

It is real fun making baking your favorite food at home. Making cookies and brownies is not only amusing, but it also impresses your family and friends. In addition, you also save money whilst cooking at home instead of getting the desired product from a bakery.

All bakery products are full of unnecessary fat and cholesterol. However, this fat can be reduced to a high extent if the artificial sugar is replaced with natural and organic sweeteners. The trick lies in finding the right sweetener for the right food. For example, there is a proper procedure to bake bread with bananas which will involve using bananas as the organic sweeteners.

Selection of Sweetener

Choosing the best organic sugar for baking can get difficult; although the most successful is a blend of stevia and erythritol. Stevia is basically a herbal extract which is sweeter than sugar. It is used to add flavor to smoothies, frostings, sauces, glazes and icings. Remember that a little bit of stevia will go a long way.

Erythritol, however, possesses the physical properties of sugar but is not as sweet as sugar. It is present in some fruits as fructose in small amounts, while some mushrooms contain it in larger amounts. In addition, fermented fruits such as wine and soy sauce contain erythritol in large amounts too.

Ideal quantity in which the erythritol/stevia blend should be used is 1:2 in place of sugar. For example if you would generally use 50 grams of sugar in a particular recipe, you can replace it with 25 grams of the erythritol/stevia blend.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Basic Body Language

Scientists and psychologists have long been studying body language and its importance. There is no question in the fact that body language plays a very important role in expression. Following discussed are some of the best body language techniques from Leil Lowndes’ book “How to talk to anyone”:

The flooding smile

Never flash a smile when you greet someone. It is because this act depicts that everyone in your line of sight will get the same smile. Instead, you can pause for a bit before you look at the person and give out a warm and responsive smile. Even though, this seems a bit scripted, it will convince people that your smile was specially personalized for them.

Sticky Eyes

When listening to a person, pose as if your eyes are glued to your conversation partner’s eyes. Even if they’ve finished speaking, move your gaze away from the speaker very slowly and reluctantly. This shows interest and attraction towards the speaker.

Epoxy Eyes

When sitting with a group of people, occasionally look at the person that you are interested in regardless of who is talking. If someone else is speaking and you still want to look at that person, shows that you are interested in that person’s reactions no matter who is speaking. But beware that using epoxy eyes too much might scare the person and make them uncomfortable. You should primarily watch the speaker, however, let your eyes peek a glance or two every once in a while.

Big-baby Pivot

People are actually concerned of how other people react to them. When meeting someone new, it is best that you turn your complete body towards that person giving them an undivided attention. This expression screams out that the person is very special to you and is a very strong gesture.

Friday, July 18, 2014

3 Harsh Truths that will Lead you to Success

It can get really tough to deal with a few harsh facts in life. However, people all around the world need to face them at one point or the other. Following are some of these harsh truths that you will come across at least once:

1.       Death

Everyone has to die one day. People know this fact but are often reluctant to believe in their own death.  This is one reality that everyone will have to face one day no matter how much you workout and eat healthy.

2.       Everything is worthless unless you value it

According to Horace Walpole “The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think”. People around us are always seen obsessed with trivial things. It does feel awful when you lose your job or when you go through a bad break up. However, we do need to believe that these things are all trivial and temporary when you look at poverty, violence and terrorism.

3.       “Rules” are only a safety net built by people who have the guts to break them

You are always afraid of getting criticized and upsetting other people. But if what you say does not even matter to other people, you are doing it wrong. You are basically following a script that was designed by others. Remember, meaningful change is only achieved by the people who can do what they want without thinking about others. Hence, if you want to be successful, “rules” should have no meaning to you.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Managing your LinkedIn profile to Target Employers

For recruitment professionals, both casual and professionalsocial media websites are alike when gathering information about potential candidates. In addition to resumes, candidates’ profiles on these social media contribute greatly to the hiring decision. The recruiters are primarily interested in the candidate’s profile for his/her personality etc; however, they are least concerned with things such as the number of friends or the type of pictures posted on the profile. The following

1.       Manage a good persona

On LinkedIn, try to limit your news updates and conversations to a professional standard. Secondly, join groups from your field of interest and share news and info graphics related to the same field. This will show the recruiters how much passionate you are about getting work in the same industry.

2.       You should have a complete profile

Recruiters will preferably want to see a complete profile on LinkedIn. This is because every aspect of your personality on LinkedIn is a depiction of your resume. It is very easy to do so on LinkedIn because of the pop-ups that remind you of your profile completion. Aim for 100%.

3.       Recommendations are the key

LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations are essential for recruiters. This is because these are the only pieces of information that represent how your peers perceive you in respective fields. Endorsements show the job candidate’s ability to work with different skills while recommendations show how renowned the candidate is.

4.       A professional picture

Having a casual persona on Facebook is expected and it is fine. However, it is recommended to use a professional looking picture for LinkedIn. It is not important to get a new head shot done; instead, you can use the pictures of employees from the same company as reference for your new picture. This first impression on social media is bound to attract the employers.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Traits that Highly Confident People Avoid

1.       Making excuses

People that are confident make sure they take ownership for what they can accomplish. However, if they fail at it, they would still accept the blame instead of throwing it at someone else. In addition, they do not make excuses, such as they didn’t have time or they couldn’t accomplish their targets because of someone else.

2.       Omitting difficult tasks

Confident people would not let fear overcome them. They know that this fear will only make them stronger and help them evolve into better person.

3.       Living in a comfort bubble

They understand and fully accept the reality of life and avoid the comfort zone. This is because they know that dreams die in the comfort zone. In fact, they would rather stretch themselves by pulling off a few tough stunts every now and then to test their competitiveness.

4.       Obsessing over other’s opinions

Confident people don’t pay attention to other peoples’ feedbacks. While they do value other people and their comments; they really don’t pay attention to the negative feedbacks that they can do nothing about.

5.       Being stopped by lack of resources

These people do not require resourcefulness. They try to make the most and the best out of whatever they possess. In addition, they will try gathering the resources in case they need them desperately.

6.       Accepting everything they are told

These people would never blindly accept what they listen or find on the internet. Instead, they maintain an active skepticism to question the validity of the news or information. This is because only confident people know that what is best for them. Hence, confident people require a careful check of the information before they believe in it. This skepticism management helps confident people in daily life evaluation of various phenomenons.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Differentiating Vegans and Vegetarians

People still don’t know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian. Even though the two societies are common now, many people still think that vegans and vegetarians are the same.

However, vegans are the people who really care about animals and boycott from all animal product usage. They will neither have meat, nor use any dairy or poultry products.  In addition, vegans don’t use any other products that come from animals such as wool, silk and leather. Vegans are highly compassionate towards animals and they base their lives on this conviction.

Meanwhile, vegetarians are only against the consumption of meat, fish and poultry, however, they do consume dairy products and eggs. Although, lacto-vegetarians do consume dairy products, yet ovo-vegetarians do consume eggs. In addition, vegetarians also don’t consume any products that contain gelatin or animal fat oil.

The vegan psychology degrades and discourages animal commercialization. This is because using animals implies disrespect for basic life and expresses a component of inhumanity. The only problem faced by vegans is that they need to take B12 and amino acid supplements. However, a complete nutrition can be obtained on a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.

There are many health benefits attached to a vegetarian diet. Vegetarians have a 12% longer life expectancy than meat eaters and are 19% less likely to die from a cardiovascular disease. In addition, vegans also have a lower rate of diabetes and kidney failure. Meanwhile vegans do not consume most processed food because of one reason or the other, hence, the elimination of fast food also plays a part in healthy living. It was also experienced that the vegan benefits were stronger in men than in women. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

5 Things to do while you are Unemployed

Losing one’s job is a very acute turn in the events of life. It makes one reconsider their priorities, obviously because the monthly income has stopped. However, one’s daily routine needs to be forced into productivity as well considering that the unemployed has almost half day more to spare. It can also be considered as a growth or a turning opportunity where one can reconsider their options for a new job. Following are a few activities to make the most out of one’s time and money and help the unemployed stay sane and motivated.

1.       Start Budgeting

Plan ahead of time and stay organized and cut off any unnecessary expenses. Start budgeting properly so that you can make the most out of what you have, even if it starts to get a bit inconvenient.

2.       Simplify your Life

It is quite obvious and understood that you cannot maintain the same lifestyle as you did when you were working. Going out to eat, or going to the gym will need to stop. You can instead workout in the park or at home and start cooking at home to cut costs. Get movies from the Netflix rental instead of purchase and go to the library instead of purchasing books. In addition, if you used to take the cab to places, it is about time you start using the bus service. All these activities are bound to be difficult to cope with as they take much time and effort; but they guarantee reduced expenses.

3.       Start saving with coupons

Getting coupons might sound like a pain. However, they are effective and do help much, if you’re planning to save.

4.       Do what you’re good at

Every person has a hobby and a talent. Use them to get an odd job meanwhile you are looking for a proper one. In this time, selling things that are not used anymore will also be a good option. It will not only get you some cash, but it will also clear up the apartment a bit.

5.       Take advantage of the extra time

While you were working, you could never find time for a million things that you wanted to do. Now that you’re jobless, start working on those things. For example, start reading books, learn an instrument and visit your grandmother.  In addition, update your resume’ and work upon hunting for jobs that match your skills, experience and interest. Since this hunt and scrutiny will take time, if you want to do it right, you will need to dedicate time to it. And what better time, than when you are unemployed.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Only 25 minutes of Meditation can lower your Stress

Stress is an unavoidable part of your life. In fact stress in many places is considered productive and healthy. However, when a person’s stress levels rise beyond control, it can lead to a number of diseases including blood pressure, depression, diabetes and heart disease.

Luckily, a recent study has claimed that only half an hour of meditation everyday can lower your stress levels to minimum. Findings of this study suggest that only 25 minutes of dedication to meditating can lead to a better and calm response to stressful situations. The practice helps people by improving their patience, decision-making and energy conservation.

The study mentioned here was carried out in the Mellon University at Pittsburgh, where scientists had took a sample of 66 adults between the ages of 18 and 30. The experiment lasted three days in which random participants were chosen to go through a meditation program for 25 minutes a day for three consecutive days. They were given proper training regarding meditation and were given tutorials on controlling their breathing and being aware of the present moment.

Then, through certain methods such as IQ tests and saliva samples were measured to check the stress hormone cortisol. The scientists found that the sample that had participated in the meditation training were reported to have a lower stress level as opposed to the sample that had not participated in the meditation training, who showed more or less the same stress level.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Acts Forbidden at Work

We are always told certain acts that will always be forbidden at the work place. Tim Ferriss, a bestselling author, recently devised a list of 5 not-to-do acts. These include:

Picking up calls from unknown numbers

The reason behind this is that the interruption and distraction will effect concentration and cost you much in time and stress. Secondly, you will find yourself in a poor position to negotiate on the phone. The reason is that the caller is prepared with what he/she has to say, while you’ll have to make up reasons and answers there and then. You can rather check voice messages for these calls later.

 Mailing first thing in the morning and last thing before day end

Make sure you at least check out a task on the to-do-list before you move on to checking your mails. Do this to avoid being distracted and having your priorities disturbed. However, mailing at day end can keep you distracted after work, and disturb your evening and sleep at night.

Agreeing to meetings unless you have a clear agenda or end time

Agree for meetings when the agenda is clear. In case it is, the meeting will not take more than half hour.  You may also demand a copy of the agenda in advance so you can work on it beforehand and plan what to discuss in the meeting.

4    Getting distracted into small talk

People would often come up to your cubicle to speak to you about their weekend at the beach or a sauna they took yesterday. Such small talk consumes big time. So when people come up to you and start rambling, it’s preferable to cut them off in a polite manner. For example, say “I’m in the middle of something, but yeah, what were you saying?”

5     Do not think that work can suffice for non-work socializing

Work is not life; however it is only a part of life. It is very important to socialize and maintain non-work friendship and relationships. Plan activities with loved ones for a good time after work or on a weekend. Non work activities are very good when it comes to motivating employees for work. The life outside the workplace will help them realize why they have been working in the first place.