Scientists and psychologists have long been studying body language and its importance. There is no question in the fact that body language plays a very important role in expression. Following discussed are some of the best body language techniques from Leil Lowndes’ book “How to talk to anyone”:
The flooding smile
Never flash a smile when you greet someone. It is because this act depicts that everyone in your line of sight will get the same smile. Instead, you can pause for a bit before you look at the person and give out a warm and responsive smile. Even though, this seems a bit scripted, it will convince people that your smile was specially personalized for them.
Sticky Eyes
When listening to a person, pose as if your eyes are glued to your conversation partner’s eyes. Even if they’ve finished speaking, move your gaze away from the speaker very slowly and reluctantly. This shows interest and attraction towards the speaker.
Epoxy Eyes
When sitting with a group of people, occasionally look at the person that you are interested in regardless of who is talking. If someone else is speaking and you still want to look at that person, shows that you are interested in that person’s reactions no matter who is speaking. But beware that using epoxy eyes too much might scare the person and make them uncomfortable. You should primarily watch the speaker, however, let your eyes peek a glance or two every once in a while.
Big-baby Pivot
People are actually concerned of how other people react to them. When meeting someone new, it is best that you turn your complete body towards that person giving them an undivided attention. This expression screams out that the person is very special to you and is a very strong gesture.
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