This feeling can be avoided by following a simple pattern of exercises. Following are three tips that can be executed beforehand in order to make things easier for you. Practice and hard work are nonetheless, the way to go.
1. Make Two-Three Situation Specific Stories
In an interview, you sell yourself to potential employers. Prepare your best statistics and stories and be ready with them. Don’t throw them on to your interviewer, but play them wisely. A few things that you would want to be prepared with include your greatest strength, greatest weakness and a closing story. You would already know about the first two, however, the third one is a closer that would lay a long lasting impression of you on your employer. The closer should summarize your strongest skills and attributes so that they don’t want to not hire you.
2. Do a Trial a Night before
It is a proven fact that practice will make you perfect. Having a friend take a mock interview will get you ready and running. It will make sure that you do not stutter during the real thing.
3. Research on the Company
Get a scoop on what the company does and its operating patterns to your best. Don’t try too hard, but align your strengths and weaknesses with them. Moreover, look up the company’s vision and mission, their dress codes, their products/services and any big clientele or suppliers.
In addition, also get a general market opinion on the company if possible. All the research that you do is only going to help you with your interview.
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