Friday, July 18, 2014

3 Harsh Truths that will Lead you to Success

It can get really tough to deal with a few harsh facts in life. However, people all around the world need to face them at one point or the other. Following are some of these harsh truths that you will come across at least once:

1.       Death

Everyone has to die one day. People know this fact but are often reluctant to believe in their own death.  This is one reality that everyone will have to face one day no matter how much you workout and eat healthy.

2.       Everything is worthless unless you value it

According to Horace Walpole “The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think”. People around us are always seen obsessed with trivial things. It does feel awful when you lose your job or when you go through a bad break up. However, we do need to believe that these things are all trivial and temporary when you look at poverty, violence and terrorism.

3.       “Rules” are only a safety net built by people who have the guts to break them

You are always afraid of getting criticized and upsetting other people. But if what you say does not even matter to other people, you are doing it wrong. You are basically following a script that was designed by others. Remember, meaningful change is only achieved by the people who can do what they want without thinking about others. Hence, if you want to be successful, “rules” should have no meaning to you.

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