Friday, July 11, 2014

Only 25 minutes of Meditation can lower your Stress

Stress is an unavoidable part of your life. In fact stress in many places is considered productive and healthy. However, when a person’s stress levels rise beyond control, it can lead to a number of diseases including blood pressure, depression, diabetes and heart disease.

Luckily, a recent study has claimed that only half an hour of meditation everyday can lower your stress levels to minimum. Findings of this study suggest that only 25 minutes of dedication to meditating can lead to a better and calm response to stressful situations. The practice helps people by improving their patience, decision-making and energy conservation.

The study mentioned here was carried out in the Mellon University at Pittsburgh, where scientists had took a sample of 66 adults between the ages of 18 and 30. The experiment lasted three days in which random participants were chosen to go through a meditation program for 25 minutes a day for three consecutive days. They were given proper training regarding meditation and were given tutorials on controlling their breathing and being aware of the present moment.

Then, through certain methods such as IQ tests and saliva samples were measured to check the stress hormone cortisol. The scientists found that the sample that had participated in the meditation training were reported to have a lower stress level as opposed to the sample that had not participated in the meditation training, who showed more or less the same stress level.

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