Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lack of maternal Iron intake can lead to Autism in the Offspring

According to a latest research from Sacramento California, mothers of autistic children were less likely to have had consumed any iron supplements during or before their pregnancy as compared to the mothers of normal children. A researcher and professor in the Public Health Sciences Department, Rebecca J. Schmidt said that anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency disorder. Especially during pregnancy, it is said to impact around 50% of women and their children.

Iron is very important for the early development of brain, including immunity, myelination and for the neurotransmitter production. The lack of development of these three has been associated to the development of autism. Schmidt along with a few other researchers was the first to have linked folic acid supplements to reduce the risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

For the latest study, researchers analyzed data from pairs of mothers and children in order to see any links between iron intake and autism. Data on the mother’s iron, vitamins and other nutritional supplement intake was recorded while the mothers were pregnant and were breastfeeding. At the time of the study, the researchers were not given access to the number of participants or their particulars. However, they did reach the conclusion that low maternal iron intake was strongly linked to a five times higher risk of autism if the mother was older than 35 years, or if she had diabetes or hypertension.

In addition, it was also found that low iron intake and increased risk of autism in the children was during breastfeeding. Moreover, the risk was even higher if the mother was old and had metabolic issues during her pregnancy. Hence, while in their pregnancy, mothers are highly advised to consult their doctors and dieticians in case they lack any nutrition.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Wonders of Mediterranean Diet

Many people might have already heard about the Mediterranean diet. It is spoken of everywhere, starting with morning shows, to gymnasiums and magazine articles. It is apparently a very healthy and fast source of energy. In addition, it keeps the immune system strong.

The Mediterranean dishes include fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, beans, legumes, spices, wine, fish, chickpeas, hummus, celery, kidney beans, dry fruits, olive oil, seafood, etc. The meal plan would definitely reduce heart risk as it contains legumes, beans and nuts. It will also treat inflammatory conditions and many other diseases because of the nutrition that it serves.

This particular diet has shown to specifically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other cardiac problems. In addition, it reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and metabolic syndrome. It also reduces the risk of depression and stroke and improves physical functioning along with slowing down the rate of cognitive decline.

The diet is rich in anti-inflammatory fats, vitamins and anti-oxidants. However, the scientists now believe that this health rich diet has an extra ingredient that makes it so healthy. It is believed that when unsaturated fat from the olive oil combines with the naturally occurring nitrates from many vegetables (such as, tomatoes, eggplant, garlic and other leafy greens), a unique molecule called the nitro-fatty-acid molecule is formed.

This molecule slows down the enzymes that digest the omega-6 fats (the beneficial fats) so that they stay in the bloodstream for longer. The theory is that, the longer these fats stick in the blood, the more healthy benefits they will elicit in the body.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Healthy Food Myths That Are Making You Fat

With people growing cautious about what they should or should not eat; dieticians and nutritionists are gaining much popularity. In addition, this has lead to much information flowing in the market about what is or is not healthy. Over the years, a large population has been lead to believe in many fabricated facts such as fats are unhealthy and such. Given following are some of these myths that need to be clarified before you can go on to adopt a healthy routine.

1. Fat is unhealthy (Cliché’)

Over the years, the culture of processed food intake has been increasing. This has lead people to consume more fat than they require, meanwhile avoiding many other nutrients. Hence, lower fat consumption was advised whenever you went to a dietician. This has somehow concluded to making fat unhealthy. Although fat is very important for athletes or other people who require much physical exertion in their daily life. However, the fat should come from a natural source (i.e. milk, meat fat, dry-fruit etc.) and not from a processed source (i.e. fast food, vegetable oil, etc.).

2. Eggs are full of Cholesterol

Cholesterol is another much feared terminology these days. While cholesterol is only a term defining the amount of energy consumption, people have started to believe that cholesterol makes you fat (it actually indirectly does make you fat). Eggs have too much cholesterol only means that they are really good energy sources. However, if the amount of energy consumed is not used, it will all turn into fat and store somewhere in your body. That is where cholesterol is bad for you.

3. Vegetable Oils are healthier than Butter

To put it simple, vegetable oil is a processed product whose cholesterol is eventually going to be bad for your health. However, butter made from grass-fed cows consists of pure fat, while the fat present in vegetable oils is made up of Omega-6 fatty-acids.

4. Products that say “healthy” on the packet are good

Starting with sugar filled cereals that are rich in whole grains, to subs that are made with fresh vegetables and meat are all a hoax. The cereals are full of difficult-to-digest sugar, while the subs are made up of bread that is completely a result of oven processing. To put it short and make it clear one more time, all processed food will eventually kill you, while the only food that is healthy is that which comes from natural sources and is not processed.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Islamic State Militants capture and kill 120 Syrian Soldiers

A graphic and harsh video has recently been released that apparently shows the mass captivation of 120 Syrian Soldiers. The video shows the Islamic State Group marching those soldiers (wearing only their underwear) through a desert. The video is allegedly filmed near Tabqa, i.e. in Northeastern Syria, where the Islamic State Militants had taken over a military base last week.

The video showed the masked armed men overseeing the march while they kept making sheep-herding noises. Meanwhile the men also kept hitting the soldiers with rifle butts and kicking them to keep them moving. One of the militants also had a black-and-white Islamic State flag, who marched in the front of the line. 

In a later video shoot which was also uploaded on the social media showed the bodies of over 100 men lying on the ground with their faces down. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights located in the United Kingdom said that the bodies of the dead soldiers were later claimed from an arid countryside near the Tabqa airfield. The retrieval was done three days after the military base was seized. The Observatory confirmed that 120 men were killed near the base. 

The video footages were verified by the Associated press journalists of the region who were familiar with the shown locations. A statement that floated the twitter profiles of the Islamic State group supporters claimed that they had killed about 200 men captured near Tabqa. So far this State group has been responsible for over 190,000 kills. A UN commission, soon after, accused the Islamic State group of committing crimes against humanity.

Monday, September 1, 2014

How to Nail your Next Job Interview

Walking into an interview room calmly and confidently is a good feeling. However, most people would walk into the room shivering and confused, not sure of how to speak or what to say.

This feeling can be avoided by following a simple pattern of exercises. Following are three tips that can be executed beforehand in order to make things easier for you. Practice and hard work are nonetheless, the way to go.

1. Make Two-Three Situation Specific Stories

In an interview, you sell yourself to potential employers. Prepare your best statistics and stories and be ready with them. Don’t throw them on to your interviewer, but play them wisely. A few things that you would want to be prepared with include your greatest strength, greatest weakness and a closing story. You would already know about the first two, however, the third one is a closer that would lay a long lasting impression of you on your employer. The closer should summarize your strongest skills and attributes so that they don’t want to not hire you.

2. Do a Trial a Night before

It is a proven fact that practice will make you perfect. Having a friend take a mock interview will get you ready and running. It will make sure that you do not stutter during the real thing.

3. Research on the Company

Get a scoop on what the company does and its operating patterns to your best. Don’t try too hard, but align your strengths and weaknesses with them. Moreover, look up the company’s vision and mission, their dress codes, their products/services and any big clientele or suppliers.

In addition, also get a general market opinion on the company if possible. All the research that you do is only going to help you with your interview.