Have you ever thought of how life would be when you are healthy, wealthy and free from tobacco? When you have a core believe that you live only once then why not live it to the fullest as well. If you have decided to quit smoking then you should be proud of your decision. At least you have reached the first phase of quitting the worst habit of yours. After conquering the first phase of “I-will-quit” smoking you will definitely reach the last phase as well, “I-quit” with strong will power and efforts.
To avoid tobacco consult your doctor about nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). This enables the person to deal with the cravings. Few NRTs are available over the counter which includes chewing gums, lozenges etc.
Avoid smoke triggers as much as possible. These triggers could be any place or situation or a thing that creates an urge to smoke. To avoid triggers, it is best to drink water, keep a pen in hand, engage yourself into conversations, and mingle with people who do not smoke.
“Cheat” your tobacco cravings. Whenever you feel like having a cigarette, delay it by creating some distraction. Keep yourself busy with reading, some work or chores, music or call a friend and talk for a short while. Chewing a gum also tends to be effective in helping you quit tobacco. Start exercising and yoga which will motivate you to live a healthy life and you will gradually shift to the phase of “I-have-quit” smoking.
Ask your family and friends to support you to quit smoking. Moral support and encouragement always helps a person to avoid a bad habit. Online programs also help where you find other smokers who are trying to quit smoking and facing similar psychological problems. Sharing experiences and methods to avoid turn out to be beneficial.
Stay positive by reminding yourself of good health you will attain and longer life that you will live after you quit tobacco. Quitting smoking is not an easy task that would produce immediate result. It is a gradual process that takes time. You start avoiding a cigarette a day to few more than you decrease number of packets till you reach the end goal of completely quitting smoking and setting an example for others as well.
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