Thursday, April 16, 2015

How To Dispose Your Credit Card

Remember that if you do not dispose of credit card by cutting or melting it properly, you are making a dream come true for thieves. Many people after finding that their card has been expired, simply toss them into dustbin which is an extremely inappropriate idea to do so. By destroying credit card wisely an individual is doing well not for others but for him only as it is one of the ways to protect personal information to be misused by wrong hands. Here are few steps through which credit cards can be disposed of properly.

1. Cut your card from the middle in a way that card number gets into half. By cutting in this way, the expiry date will also get slashed.

2. Now the second cut should be goes across the card all the way through the middle of the card number. Now you can see that the card number is completely damaged and has been broken into four pieces.

3. The third step to make card useless is to destroy the chip present in most of the cards these days. The importance of doing so is that the chip contains all your credit account details which can be interpreted easily by a professional with right gadget.

4. After that it is suggested that the name present on the card should also be destroyed so make sure you put the last cut on your name.

After cutting the card try not to dispose them of all together in one bin. It is still suggested that all the pieces of card should be thrown in separate bin so that you do not give a single chance to anyone who can retrieve your personal information.

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