Monday, February 2, 2015

What is social marketing?

Usually people mix it up with the conventional cut throat marketing as performed on social media. This form of marketing is however very opposite in nature.

Social marketing refers to the promotional activities conducted by NGOs, Pressure Groups, Governments or all in collaboration. The domain of operations is as such that products which are beneficial for the society and pertain to general interest of the masses are promoted without any organization being benefited from the cause.

For instance promotions of a social cause that needs much public awareness and must be talked about amongst the masses, would classify as Social Marketing. There are several campaigns being locally supported by Governments of different countries, for example, Pakistan is currently working on Polio eradication campaign. Similarly countries in Africa have been working on Ebola eradication campaigns.

Talking of Ebola, it is not only the African countries that have been working on this; this cause has been raised by the global community as well. UN and its associates have taken up the issue quite seriously.

Another issue that has gained much prominence in the global community is that of diabetes. 14TH November is now officially recognized as the World’s Diabetes day. Many NGO’s and Government setups have been seen organizing events to promote the awareness.

The key however to this is to remain creative and original and yes sensitive. The ideas must be as such that masses are able to relate to it or else whole effort would go in vein. Issues like Diabetes, Ebola and Polio are of mass interest and are affecting millions of individuals.

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